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The Best New Releases from Brill in 2016


Updated: Apr 11, 2019

Online Resources from Brill

The international academic publisher Brill has been busy developing dozens of fantastic online resources for release this year. Here is Bezi's pick of the best new resources, relaunches, and forthcoming releases in 2016. Contact us today to organise a trial for your library.

New Resources in 2016

Brill's New Pauly Supplements Online II

Brill's New Pauly Supplements Online II This brand new set of supplements will feature seven new works for the study of the Ancient World. The first volume in the set is now available, with six more volumes to follow over the next few years.

Brill's Digital Library of World War I

Brill's Digital Library of World War I This collection features the online edition of the Encyclopedia of the First World War, as well as 250 peer-reviewed chapters from other Brill publications. The Digital Library not only addresses the key issues of the Great War, but also engages with underexplored topics, such as the role of women.

Brill's 2016 eBook Collections

Brill's 2016 eBook Collections This year's front-file ebook collections from Brill are now available for immediate purchase. Subjects include International Law, Human Rights, Social Sciences, Classical Studies, Religious Studies and many more. Contact us today to request a title list and outright purchase pricing.

Relaunches in 2016

The Hague Academy Collected Courses Online

The Hague Academy Collected Courses Online The world's leading publication in public and private international law is now available via Brill Online. Users can access over 80 years' worth of content via full-text search, keyword, volume or author.

Human Rights Documents Online

Human Rights Documents Online As the largest online database on human rights available in the world, this extraordinary collection provides access to more than 58,000 documents from over 600 non-governmental organisations, covering the past 35 years from 1980 onwards. HRDO is now available via Brill Online.

Index Islamicus Online

Comprising half a million records, Index Islamicus is the leading international bibliography of publications on Islam and the Muslim World, with coverage from 1906 to the present day. Now available on Brill Online, Index Islamicus is updated monthly, contains a thesaurus, and enables users to check their library's holdings for each record. From 2016, Brill's Index Islamicus will also include Arabic-language content.

Forthcoming Releases in 2016

Published in Shanghai, China between 1923 and 1941, the North China Daily News was considered one of the most influential English-language newspapers of its time. Due in mid-2016. An excellent companion resource for the North China Herald Online.

This new collection provides access to unique English-language newspapers, covering the issues and events in East and South-East Asia between 1912 and 1954, such as the Pacific War, the Unification of China and the Korean War. Due in mid-2016.

Index Buddhicus Online

Like its sister resource Index Islamicus, Index Buddhicus is currently being developed as the main academic bibliographical reference work in the field of Buddhist Studies. Due in late 2016.

For more information, or to request a trial or quote for any of these fantastic new releases, get in touch with Bezi today.

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