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EMIS University: Data, research and news for the world's emerging markets

Updated: Apr 11, 2019

EMIS University

Designed for researchers in economics, finance and international business, EMIS University provides online access to data, research and news on:

  • 1.3+ million companies, including financial data, reports and industry rankings;

  • 250+ industry sectors, including statistics and forecasts; and

  • 125+ emerging markets, including macroeconomic analysis and country ratings.

What are emerging markets?

Emerging markets are the developing economies of the world. They include some of Australia and New Zealand's largest trading partners. Think China, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and many more.

What does EMIS University include?

EMIS University offers a wealth of business intelligence on emerging markets to researchers. It includes:

  • 1.3+ million private and public company profiles, including financial data and reports;

  • 540,000+ research reports published annually;

  • 58,000+ news stories published daily; and

  • statistics and forecasts for 250+ industry sectors and 125+ developing countries.


EMIS University is not just another database full of PDFs. Users are offered a range of tools to analyse and compare the data they find. For example, users can:

  • analyse a company's financial statements and compare them to others;

  • rank companies within an industry by revenue, profit, assets, liabilities, and more;

  • compare countries using indicators such as GDP, debt, unemployment, CPI and so on;

  • ... and so much more.

All data points are exportable into Excel for further analysis.


The EMIS University interface supports 15 languages (such English, Chinese, Indonesian and Thai), any of which can be selected to suit a user’s profile. In addition, an instant translate function is available for all HTML news articles.


EMIS convenes the best global and local sources from the world's macroeconomic experts, industry research firms and news providers.

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