NewsBank is the world's largest provider of news information databases. Full-text news information from over 500 Australian titles and over 30 New Zealand titles can be found in the Australia's Newspapers and Access World News databases from NewsBank, with coverage extending from 1980s in some cases through to the present day.
In addition to the wealth of news information found in these databases, NewsBank also provides a Special Reports feature to their users. The video above provides an introduction to this feature.
NewsBank’s Special Reports are news articles, images, videos, maps and other useful content grouped for convenience under specific topics and themes. Easily accessible within NewsBank resources, they enable users to quickly locate information on a specific subject while helping them gain better insight into current global issues and events. Each Report features current and retrospective coverage, and new articles are added daily. Special Reports constitute a unique value to users, and are included with each NewsBank subscription. There are over 60 Reports to be sure the information that library patrons need is always available.
All Special Reports are accessed from the left side bar of NewsBank's main menu page, on search screens and the Other NewsBank Products link in full-text newspaper databases.
The following is a list of some Special Reports which may be of particular interest to library patrons at this time:
April 2014 – Topics and Monthly Themes
Issues in the News – Malaysia Flight 370
World Economics – Financial Literacy Month
Mental Health – Autism Awareness Month
Poetry Around the World – National Poetry Month
World Environment – Earth Day, April 22
Additional Special Reports on Current Issues and Events
World Health
Terrorism and Conflict
World Politics and Government - Ukraine Unrest
Natural Disasters - Washington Mudslide
Current subscribers can watch for the release of additional current events and issues featured throughout each month as the news unfolds.
For more information on NewsBank's news information databases or to request a free institutional trial, please contact Bezi.