The 2016 list prices for all Brill Online Journal Collections have now been released! All prices and title lists are available for download here.
Did you know that generous discount rates are available for consortia member libraries of CAUL, CONZUL and ANZTLA? Contact Bezi today to learn more.
In 2016, the following ejournal collections from Brill will be available for a calendar-year subscription:
The Brill Collection (complete, 241 titles)
Humanities and Social Sciences Collection (170 titles)
International Law and Human Rights Collection (58 titles)
Biology Collection (13 titles)
Religious Studies Collection (46 titles)
Middle East and Islamic Studies Collection (24 titles) NEW
Brill Research Perspectives Collection (13 titles) NEW
When subscribing to any 2016 ejournal collection from Brill, libraries will receive:
perpetual access to the 2016 volumes in the collection; plus
temporary access to the backvolumes between 2000 and 2015 during the 2016 calendar year.
For more information or to request a quote for your library, please contact Bezi.